
Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Peach of a Saint Pie


For the feast of Saint Anne I looked for something special to make that had some significance to her. Apparently lobster is a traditional dish, but I wasn't planning to spend quite that much. ;-) mentioned that fruit pie is a traditional treat because her feast day, and the feast of her husband St. Joachim, is mid-summer, and fruit is certainly plentiful, not to mention delicious. I decided a Peach Pie was in order because St. Anne is certainly a peach of a saint: the mother of the Blessed Mother, the grandmother of our Lord Jesus? Yup, she's a peach.

This recipe is based on my Apple Crumble Pie recipe, but with adjusted thickener and sugar and a splash or two of amaretto for added depth. The amaretto is not absolutely necessary but nice. And if you go for it, you can also add a handful of sliced almonds to the topping. I would have if I had any.

A Peach of a Saint Pie

1/4 cup sugar, divided
1/4 c. flour
6 medium to large peaches, peeled and sliced in bite size pieces (just use a potato peeler)
1 T. lemon juice
2 T. amaretto (optional)
3 T. butter
Pastry for single-crust pie prepared and placed in 9" pie dish (the one I use is here)
1/2 cup sugar
½ cup flour
1/2 t. cinnamon
¼ cup butter
1/4 cup sliced almonds

Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.

In a medium bowl (the same one you use to make the crust is fine), sprinkle peach slices with lemon juice and toss. Add 1/4 cup sugar and 1/4 cup flour and toss. Sprinkle with amaretto and toss. Pour in prepared crust. Dot with 3 T. butter cut in small pieces.

Combine remaining 1/2 cup sugar and 1/2 cup flour and spices. Cut in 1/4 cup butter until crumbly. Add almonds, if using, and sprinkle atop peaches.

Bake for an hour. Serve warm or room temperature.



  1. Yum - looks great! I had the same thought about fresh fruit... and made a blueberry pie. (I'd share a picture if we'd not eaten it all!) Blessings~

  2. Oh, that looks heavenly for sure!

  3. Thanks, ladies. It really tasted even better than it looked.

  4. It looks delicious! I'm not a pie baker, but this one may make me start! Do the peaches need to be ripe (stupid quiestion, I know!)


  5. Kate,
    The pie is pretty forgiving in terms of fruit ripeness. If they are not very ripe and juicy use a tablespoon less flour or even two less. And if they are not very sweet add a tad more sugar. If homemade crust is intimidating, use a pillsbury crust. The filling is the important part of this pie!

  6. Perfect timing! I've got a bunch of peaches that are ripe but not very juicy. Maybe I'll make it tonight!

  7. We just got a ton of peaches...thanks for the great idea!

  8. that looks sooooo delicious. I'm going peach picking soon and I will be making this! I found a lovely pie crust recipe that doesn't need chilling and I just use my stand mixer. LOVE it! I pinned this to pinterest so I WON'T forget!

  9. I've been eyeing that baked spaghetti all week and am about to make some for us for tomorrow. Just a quick question...a friend just got diagnosed w/cancer (second time, second breast) and friends are providing dinner for her family during treatment. I wanted to make this for them and freeze it in individual portions for easy reheats as needed. Do you think it would be a problem to just mix everything together instead of layering? Would it stay moist enough? Thanks for all the menu/organizational inspiration!
    eta: I tried posting this on your other blog, but couldn't. Sorry it's out of sorts.

  10. Christal, Sorry you had trouble at my other blog. I did a test and it worked, but blogger can be a stinker -- a lot!

    I don't see any reason why you couldn't mix all the layers. I would not cook the pasta to completely done (which takes almost no time at all because it's so thin) because freezing and thawing might turn into complete mush. But it will still taste good!


I love to read your comments -- if you have feedback about a recipe, please fell free to tell me -- even if you had trouble with something.