
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Muffins that Taste Like Donuts


I really try to make a special breakfast on Sunday morning -- something that is a treat for my family like Cinnamon Buns or Bun Bread or Scones. Usually I start the night before -- at least when I am making dough -- so that minimal effort is required on Sunday morning. Of course, that doesn't always happen. Recently I woke up on Sunday morning and realized I had failed to start dough the night before, but I remembered the recipe for these little muffins on my list of recipes to try and decided to give them a whirl.

These are yummy little gems and they really do taste like an old-fashioned donut. While old-fashioned is not my kids' favorite flavor (they actually all have their own favorite flavor), this plate of muffins disappeared in absolutely no time. Note to self: double the recipe next time.

The recipe came from Cheat Day Cafe and I made them exactly as written. There really were no specific directions for dunking the baked donuts in cinnamon sugar so I only dunked the tops. If you would like to dunk the entire muffin you'll need more butter and cinnamon sugar. I did rewrite the recipe just a tad for clarity.

Muffins that Taste Like Donuts
makes 12

1¾ cup flour
1½ t. baking powder 
½ t. salt
½ t. nutmeg
½ t. cinnamon
⅓ cups oil
¾ cups sugar
1 egg
¾ cups milk

¼ cups butter
⅓ cups sugar
1 T. cinnamon

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Generously grease 12 muffin tin cups. 

Combine flour, baking powder, salt, nutmeg and cinnamon.

Combine oil, sugar, egg and milk. Add dry ingredients and stir only to combine.

Fill muffin tins 2/3 full. Bake at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes, until toothpick comes out clean.

Meanwhile, melt the butter in a bowl. Combine the white sugar with the cinnamon in another bowl.

Remove muffins from tins while still hot. Dip muffins in butter, then into the sugar/cinnamon mix.

Source: modified from Cheat Day Cafe


  1. We like to have a treat for Sunday breakfast too. These look great and easy. Some how feel better making these than buy donuts :)

  2. We've been making these for some 20 years now. Yummy!

  3. I'm on my hubby's laptop...need a new I can't print this up, but I copied it down and we're having it for breakfast for "Muffin Monday"!

  4. You had me at "donuts"! Gonna try these tomorrow or maybe tonight as a treat after dinner... or maybe both!

  5. I've made these before and they sure are YUMMY!

  6. Our oven gets fixed this morning--yippee!!

    PS. When you gonna tell us how your birthday went, huh?

  7. These look absolutely delicious! My kids will love them- thanks!


  8. Have you tried freezing them? I am gaining two children (in addition to my four) for two weeks and need something easy for breakfast.

  9. We had these and the kiddos loved them!!!

    They didn't think they tasted like donuts but all agreed they were great!

    And easy to make!!

    Through my computer or lack of computer problems I've had this month...did I miss your birthday?

    Happy birthday and God bless you!!


I love to read your comments -- if you have feedback about a recipe, please fell free to tell me -- even if you had trouble with something.