
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Cupcakes for a Little Cupcake Shower


Double post today (first time ever, I think!). You may have already seen this bit of news at Praying for Grace, but I couldn't pass up the chance to shower my dear friend Charlotte with more good wishes, and give you the opportunity to wish her well (as well as the chance to win something neat).

Charlotte is expecting. Maybe you heard. ;-) And her family is calling their little darling "Cupcake," which I think is very sweet and very apropros. After all, what is a cupcake except a tiny bundle of yummy sweetness? Yup. Just like a baby.

Because I'm such a cupcake lover I knew I had to play along when Jessica posted news about a Cupcake Decorating Contest at the Virtual Baby Shower. But when I tried to think up something cute I just kept coming back to cupcake... cupcake... cupcake. Hmmm.

So cupcake it is...Cupcake themed Cupcakes (I wonder how many times I can type the word cupcake in one post). I made cupcake lollies with white and milk chocolate and popped them into the yummy vanilla cupcakes. Creative they really are not, but cute? I sheepishly admit they are -- all creamy and pink and sweet, just like a baby. And I don't mess around with cupcakes -- the best thing about these is the flavor, which I really wish I could share with my dear friend, Charlotte (Vanilla cupcake with Vanilla Buttercream frosting, dear C.).

If you haven't been to Jessica's blog to vote on the cutest cupcake or to decide which baby face belongs to which Catholic Cuisine contributor please go. (Did you find me? I'll give you a hint -- I'm old enough that my picture is black and white...and the picture was taken on my first birthday... in June...outdoors...big enough hint?) You'll find door prizes and a baby pool, and lots and lots of love.

God bless that little cupcake, Charlotte. We can't wait to meet her!


  1. Those are adorable! I hope you win.

    I recognized your picture right away because it looks just like you---and I've seen you in person.

  2. Lucky Sara!

    I love these, too, Barbara. LOVE them!


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