
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Corn OFF the Cob Gadget


It seems every summer for the past few we've had a child in braces. I was thinking about the numbers of kids in braces and figured the odds are pretty good you have one, too. Because corn on the cob is such a favorite in our house, and because kids with braces have to eat their corn OFF the sob, this gadget sure comes in handy in the summer.

My aunt always gifts me a few fun kitchen gadgets at Christmas and this was one I received last year. It sure beats standing the cob in a bundt pan and slicing all the corn off. And if you buy one, you can make this salad in no time. Huge bonus!



  1. Cute post, Barbara...made me smile! :)

  2. This gadget works amazingly well. Do be careful though. It is sharp ;)


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