
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Jam Filled Muffins


This recipe is a just a slight modification to my recipe for Nancy's Sweet Muffins. A couple weeks ago I had planned breakfast for dinner (one of my favorite dinners) and we needed a little something to round out the meal.

I know most folks today are trying to pack as many nutrients into every bite of food as they can, but, frankly, sometimes we just need some inexpensive belly filler. I think our diets are pretty healthy all around and I refuse to worry about feeding my kids a little white flour and sugar. When I was little, no one ate whole wheat anything and we were perfectly healthy. It seems today people are either worrying themselves sick (pun intended) about feeding kids the perfect diet, or they don't care at all and they feed them all crap. I'm looking for a happy medium. Tasty enough to be fun, cheap enough to keep us in the black, and healthy enough to, well, keep us healthy.

These little muffins definitely fall in the tasty and cheap department, but rounded out with some eggs, peppers, potatoes, and some orange wedges, they are just lovely. Use your favorite flavor of jam, or give everyone their favorite flavor. I used seedless strawberry myself.


Jam Filled Muffins
makes 6

1 1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup sugar
2 t baking powder
1/2 t. salt
1 egg
1/2 cup milk
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup jam
sugar to sprinkle

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Grease the cups of a jumbo muffin tin (six cups). Mix dry ingredients. Beat eggs; add oil and milk. Make a well in dry ingredients and add wet ingredients. Stir only until moist. 
Divide about half the batter among each muffin tin. Top with about 2 teaspoons of jam, right in the center. Top with remaining batter, pushing the batter down around the edges to seal the jam in. Sprinkle with a little bit of table sugar.
Bake in greased muffin tins for 15-20 minutes, until golden on top and toothpick comes out clean.

CAUTION: If you enjoy these muffins straight from the oven, the jam will be very hot.



  1. Oh! These look really good!! I am going to make these as soon as I am done with this crazy-big garage sale we're having this weekend. I'm swimming in "stuff" and colored price-tag stickers!

  2. Agreed! These look delicious and should help warm the belly of my oldest bean pole.

  3. Mmmm - they look scrumptious! I think they'll be on our breakfast table this weekend - thanks Barbara!

  4. Since these make 6 jumbo muffins, does that mean they will make 12 regular sized muffins?

  5. I love your "food philosophy," Barbara; I feel the same way! And these muffins do look like a tasty and inexpensive "filler." They will be gracing our breakfast table soon! :)

  6. I have made your "Nancy's sweet muffins" a few times....these look like they would be fun to surprise the kiddos with!

  7. Oh, Sarah, We were just at dinner telling the kids we would not be doing the neighborhood garage sale this year. It's so much work...and I never make very much. I feel for you!

    Charlotte, The recipe makes 10 regular-sized muffins, but I have only ever filled the jumbos.

    I hope you like them, Lori. They would be a yummy alternative to jelly-filled donuts for breakfast!

    I'm glad to hear you feel the same way, Carina. With everyone watching their budgets carefully, you really have to get real about food. I think about what folks ate during the Depression and it makes me sick to think of what people spend today on food.

    They would be surprised, Jamie, if they think they are the same-old, same-old!

  8. These look so yummy - I can't wait to make them!

  9. Once again, *so* yummy! I'm a sucker for stuffed anything! I've been missing your blog, as my husband and I are doing a 21 day detox/cleanse. I finally couldn't resist stopping by and seeing what's been going on in your kitchen! The Pope's cake looks amazing...I think I'll be making that as my first dessert post-cleanse! Maybe with some fresh berries...Ok, gotta leave! ;)

  10. Yum, what a sweet surprise to bite into. I have a sweet treat linky party going on at my blog and I'd like to invite you to stop by and link your muffins up.


I love to read your comments -- if you have feedback about a recipe, please fell free to tell me -- even if you had trouble with something.