
Friday, April 23, 2010

Taming the Beast


This year's St. George dragon is, honest to goodness, a twenty minute dragon, not counting shopping and bake time. I simply ran out of time at the end of the day with a deadline in front of me (as evidenced by the sloppy icing and lack of both front paws!). I refused to stress, however, considering the fact that he was made to be slain and eaten with a side of chocolate ice cream!

Charlotte has an excellent tutorial at her place, so if you care to recreate this ferocious beast for a birthday or future St. George day, be sure to check her instructions first.



  1. Ooooh! I love it! He looks so ferocious with those red rings around his eyes!

  2. Yours turned out great!! I love the slaying pictures!

  3. I think for being a such a quick project he came out great!

    Thanks so much for sharing.

    God bless!

  4. This is so cute! I really had in mind that I would make my own bread dough dragon for St. George Day this year, but I have been so distracted I totally missed it. I guess there is always next year.


I love to read your comments -- if you have feedback about a recipe, please fell free to tell me -- even if you had trouble with something.