
Friday, August 31, 2007

Beer Bread


I have had this recipe in my cookbook for at least a year, but have not tried it. I usually only put tried and true recipes in my personal cookbook, so maybe I tried it a long time ago and don't remember it. But, I thought it would be great with the pork roast I fixed in the crock pot this week. And it was. And my kids raved about it -- and ate the whole loaf.

I know that I say this a lot, but this recipe could not have been easier. In fact, if you buy a box mix of this from Tastefully Simple (which my mom does) you will laugh when you see what's in the recipe.

I added a bottle of Smithwick's, which is a nice, dark Irish ale. You can add any beer you like, but remember what chefs say about adding wine to a recipe -- if it doesn't taste good to drink, it won't be good in your recipe. The same goes for this recipe. The flavor of the bread comes from the beer -- so make sure it's a tasty one.

Beer Bread

3 cups self-rising flour*
2 T. sugar
12 oz bottle or can of beer
¼ cup butter

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease bread loaf pan.
Mix all ingredients, except butter, together.
Pour in pan and bake for 25 minutes. Melt butter.
Remove bread from oven and brush top with butter.
Return to oven and bake for 25 minutes longer.
Cool at least 20 minutes before cutting.

*If you don't have self-rising flour, mix 4 c. flour, 2 t. salt, and 2 t. baking powder in a container and measure from this. Keep the remaining flour in an air-tight container.



  1. This one, I won't be trying. My husband is allergic to beer. Seriously... we think it has something to do with the barley or hops. It looks good though and I bet it smells great!

  2. Matilda,
    I know that the Tastefully Simple box says you can use a can of any carbonated beverage. I imagine a can of Sprite or other lemon lime drink might make a sweeter bread -- not as yeasty tasting. The beer gives it a real yeasty flavor -- even though there is no yeast in it. I imagine you could even use club soda -- but I don't know how tasty it would be.

  3. you know i have seen this recipe before but never made it..maybe i need to..

  4. hi, I tired making beer bread like now 3 times this last week. 1st recipe was with Bisquick, it was more of a bisquit taste. Went for another recipe, it was way too sweet, had 1/3 c. sugar. and looked like it didn't rise. So, I had a big idea of reducing the sugar to 2 T. and added 1/2 c. grated cheese (Italian Blend of 5 cheeses) and 1 T. Dill seed- plus very important step I let this dough rise for 15 min in a warm place. This new recipe truned out so great. Then my g-son tried his hand at the recipe with putting in chocolate chips-& it also turned out great. Another couple hints are put on melted buter on the top before baking and 10 minutes before done baking. After baked put immediately after truned out of pan; into a plastic bag and the crust is simply great.


I love to read your comments -- if you have feedback about a recipe, please fell free to tell me -- even if you had trouble with something.